16 אפריל 2023
Is Google’s Crawl Limit Affecting Your SEO?
Although its introduction was never officially announced, if you read Google’s webmaster documentation, you’ll find that Googlebot has a 15MB crawl limit when searching websites. This limit has been put in place to prevent Google from overloading websites with too much traffic and consuming too much of their bandwidth. While this can be ...
16 ינואר 2023
Six Little-Known Reasons Web Hosting Is Crucial
Web hosting has been gaining a lot of popularity in the previous years. It provides a lot of features that make managing a website very easy for a relatively small amount of money. There are many web hosting companies like HostFaddy that are providing reliable web hosting services.
1) Web hosting can help you save resources
Setting up a ...
16 ינואר 2023
What is Domain ID Protection?
Domain ID Protection is a service that "masks" the contact details of the domain registrant/owner from services that provide publicly available WHOIS information. We highly suggest adding this service when registering your domain name with HostFaddy to protect your personal information and privacy.
Typically sites that offer a free WHOIS lookup ...
27 דצמבר 2022
7 Tips To Keep Domain Names Secure
Your domain name is one of your company’s most important and valuable assets. If you lose control of it by letting registration elapse, or through fraud or hacking, then you can lose all your website traffic, something that may have taken years to build up. At the same time, anyone who visits your domain expecting to find your business will ...