This page will guide you in Upgrading the Scripts and getting the latest version available by Softaculous. I will be taking an example of WordPress which is a popular blogging script. We will upgrade from 5.7.2 to 5.8.0
- To Upgrade Scripts, click on the link in the Softaculous Enduser panel as shown in the below image.

- After that you will be redirected to the page which will shows all the outdated scripts that are to be updated.
- Now click on the Blue color Icon to go to the upgrade page.
- You will not be redirected to the upgrade page where you will be asked for a confirmation.
- Now click on the Upgrade button to upgrade the script.
- Once the upgrade process is completed Softaculous will provide the links to access your updated installation.
- Click on the links provided and this should redirect you directly to the site page or the admin homepage whichever you choose.